Guaranteed Shopping

With the buySAFE Guaranteed Shopping App, search from millions of items, shop anywhere and automatically receive a free $1,000 purchase guarantee. Get what you paid for, otherwise, we step in and address the issue with the merchant until you are satisfied. And if you are not, we will reimburse you, up to $1,000 for all eligible purchases! Our commitment to you: • Each eligible purchase is guaranteed up to $1,000 • Product authenticity, returns, refunds, shipping terms guaranteed • 3rd party resolution assistance • No in-app purchase & completely free (and it will remain that way!) • No subscription, no hidden fee and no spam. GUARANTEED. Join the millions of online shoppers who have enjoyed our shopping benefits! Shop from thousands of online merchants and receive free guarantees up to $1,000 with each purchase without leaving the app. If you have a problem with a purchase (If you buy something that never arrives, if what you receive is different than what was described, or if anything else goes wrong with your purchase) and that you are unable to solve the issue with the merchant, let us know and we will step in and make sure you get what you paid for, or we will reimburse you, up to $1,000. The Guaranteed Shopping app has been designed by buySAFE, Inc. who has guaranteed over 34 million online transactions. Some terms and conditions apply, please see our in app terms and conditions for further details. Visit to learn more.

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7 comment


3 June 2014

Great App


2 June 2014

What a great idea for an app!


29 May 2014

Creative with lots of great utility. This will get lots of use!


8 May 2014

Neat idea to provide a guarantee on these items!


7 May 2014

Super glad to see BuySafe services available to users through a modern UI on tablets. Totally designed for touch. Scrolling horizontally through searched products is smooth. Like it. I'm excited to see what other experiences you'll add to this app.


7 May 2014

so easy to use and it gives you the confidence you need.


20 December 2013

Awesome app