Collect stickers of this wonderful album! Exchange your duplicates online! Search the stickers online! offers packages to others and plays to win every day new packages and if you really want to finish your album you can always buy new packages Have fun collecting stickers even on multiple device: If you register using the same email, you don't need to restart each time your album. Registration is completely free and your details will not be used for any type of communication, and will not be visible to other users of the application. Have fun with STICKERS!

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22 January 2016

ενταξι,καλο είναι.Δηλαδη...ΤΕ-ΛΕΙ-Ο!!!!!!!!!!!!απλα,...κάθε φορα που πας στην αρχικη σελιδα του παιχνιδιού , σου βγαζει να βαλεις 5 αστερια.Μπορεις βεβαια να πατησεις cancel, αλλα αυτά τα 5 αστερια τα αξιζει και θα του τα βαλω.Αν το κατεβασετε, βαλτε του 5 αστερια!ΤΕΛΕΙΟ!!!!!Ζ


5 June 2015

Show! Gostei muito!