
Calculate and convert amounts between currencies, and view exchange rates and travel charts. Simply tap the active display to open or close the calculator. All exchange rates are cached locally, so no internet connection is required for use. This makes it ideal to minimize expensive data roaming charges when travelling. The Currency App uses official exchange rates published by national central banks, and was developed by Cloanto's Currency System team, leaders in currency solutions for Windows since 1998.


  • Includes Calculator and Travel Chart
  • Select any number of favorite currencies
  • Uses official exchange rates published by central banks
  • Always ready to work offline
  • Supports portrait, landscape and snapped view
  • Advertising-free
  • Privacy-conscious app permissions

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27 comment


12 May 2017

Muy bueno la verdad . El mejor!!


11 March 2017

Seems to work well unlike the currency converter app, which stopped working properly and could no longer update currencies. This app is accurate, easy to use and has most currencies available, and is up to date. Thanks! 😊


30 May 2016

This seems to be the best currency app that converts to all selected currencies at once. Too bad it has no live tile. (And it could use a Windows 10 design update.)


1 February 2016

so it froze up on my first try..booo!!


8 January 2016



25 December 2015

It doesn't have my currency. I am from Tanzania, where is my Tanzania shillings?


24 November 2015

does exactly what i wanted it to , no fuss


16 May 2015

Good app. Rates a bit off but really like the ease of use and overall thoughtfulness of the design.


4 May 2015

Free, no ads, easy to use, up to date rates, offline mode, one or many currencies compared. Excellent 😊


7 April 2015

Very easy to use, select the currencies you have been using the most, and a menu is created with the latest forex rates in the countries that use them. The spread sheet for my most used, ZAR, gives the payout for a dollar range from $1-$100 which is very handy. Unfortunately it is not tracking the forex rates in any other country, especially the Swiss exchange which is the master market for currencies of every country. You are a Corporation of 1 who wears 3 hats, and Nevada should look into that.

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