
Grab a mallet and ball, stake the wickets, and enjoy this refreshing take on the classic outdoor sport. Shoot, stroke, and knock your way through a hand-designed collection of croquet courts. Croquet the app is inspired by the sport enjoyed by many people. The rules most closely resemble 9-wicket Croquet, however, there are some creative differences including the layout of the courts. A game is played by two, three, or four players. As far as gameplay goes, the primary rule is that passing the ball through a wicket gives you another stroke. There is also the special croquet stroke that occurs after striking another ball. The first player to pass through all wickets in the course and reach the final peg is the winner. Triumphed in the literary imaginations of Lewis Carroll and Edward Gorey, the sport has been given notice by authors in the whimsical and nonsense tradition. As such, Croquet Pro takes this spirit to heart in the design of each unique court. Some courts, like the leading Monk’s Meadow feature a traditional wicket arrangement. Others – such as the eerie Creepy Castle and ultimate Erstwhile Emptiness – employ asymmetrical tendencies for more curious and intriguing gameplay. You gain access to new courts by earning stars just through playing. Another key feature of Croquet is the ability to perform the namesake croquet stroke and foot roquet. A croquet is achieved by striking the ball of another player in the same court. A successful hit gives you a choice – you may either place your foot on your ball then hit the other ball or continue with an extra stroke. It is possible when continuing to strike both balls in a way like billiards. Once the action is taken, you must be careful not to strike the same ball again before your next turn or you are penalized with returning to the same position from which your turn began. Special strokes make the game much more compelling and strategic than simply a race through wickets to the finish. Aside from the croquet and roquet, there are two other special strokes unique to our app: Gold Strokes and Mercy Strokes. Gold Strokes occur when the player makes a hoop without concluding their turn, i.e. making two hoops in a row on subsequent strokes. Gold Strokes equate to the high score on a level, so that making all twelve wickets on your first turn is a perfect score. Mercy Strokes act as a wildcard to keep games competitive if one player pulls ahead in devastating fashion. A Mercy Stroke is awarded to a player in sole possession of last place at the end of their turn and can turn the tide of any game. The AI opponent in offline mode plays competitively and fairly, and can offer a fun challenge for both beginning and experienced players. Croquet is simple and easy to play and can be enjoyed by players of all ages. In fact, the entire game can be played with a single finger. First launching the game will present a tutorial level that explains how to hit the ball, perform a croquet, and complete a match. Basically, to play the game one first selects the ball by tapping it. Then, you tap the ball again to pull out the mallet which you then drag to the desired position to set up the angle and distance of the stroke. Releasing the finger will fire the mallet at the ball and (hopefully!) through the next wicket. If you do not wish to play the tutorial level, you may pause the game and quit the screen to proceed to the main menu. From there, you can select the court to play, get some bling from the Star Store, or configure options such as whether to play background music or view your achievements.


  • Play with skill and strategy
  • Play croquet in unique courts
  • Build up streaks and high scores

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16 October 2016

very amateurish, dosn.t have much to do with real croquet, six wicket etc.