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  • 4.1
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  • Category: News & weather
  • Published by: NewspaperDirect ?
  • Size: 54.6 MB
  • Permissions:
    • Access your Internet connection
    • Access your Internet connection and act as a server.
    • Access your home or work networks
    • Use your location
  • Supported processors: x86, x64, ARM
  • Language: Chinese (Traditional Chinese), English, French, Spanish, German, Italian, Japanese, Norwegian (Bokmål), Russian, Turkish, Chinese (Simplified)
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  • Notes:
    * We’ve added social login! Sign in using your Facebook, Twitter or Google+ account for instant access to thousands of articles that you can share and discuss with friends. This version also includes improvements in speed and clarity.


Connecting you with the stories you love, from thousands of sources you trust. All you can read news to keep informed, entertained and inspired every day. Share your passions and connect with like-minded readers to discover new content. Make your voice heard on issues that matter to you, and follow and support opinions expressed by others. - - More news, more possibilities - - Get an unlimited stream of top news stories in your home feed - no sign up required. Choose sections of magazines or newspapers to build your own publication, or follow others for a curated story feed. - - News is better when you can connect with friends - - Share stories and opinions with friends on Twitter, Facebook, Google+, or send by email. Start sharing with a free account. - - Thousands of titles, trusted sources - - Get your favorite publications and discover new titles that you’re sure to love. Choose from thousands of magazines and newspapers and read them in the image-rich original layout. See this content come alive and personal as you can listen, share, translate or comment on it. Download issues that you can enjoy both on- and offline. - - We travel the world with you - - Not a subscriber? No worries! Access publications at thousands of sponsored PressReader HotSpot locations worldwide. Use the constantly updated HotSpot Map to find a location near you. Be sure to ask your hotel or library if they already offer PressReader. - - Your channel, your views - - Create your channel and air your views. Add your opinions to stories and make your voice heard on issues you care about. Your opinion gains momentum as more people support it. Grow your supporters and become an opinion leader. Spark change. - - Seamless and social - - Your reading history is saved when you login, making it easy to continue conversations from any device.


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199 comment


2 July 2017

I downloaded this app and went to create an account using my Google mail address. I thought it took it. Then I tried logging on and it required an email address so I entered the Google email. It said it wasn't authorized. So apparently I have to give it another email address? What was the point of giving it my Google mail address? Forget this POS app!


27 June 2017

It's great! It's easy to read and use on winows10. Mostly free.. Perhaps improve on settings and background option. Not sure how to change all backgrounds to white. The app is still amazing as is! Thank you.


20 June 2017

It's definitely a free app on my iPad and iMac, but I can't get it to work in Windows 10. Maybe there's a limit on the number of devices that can be used to view subscribed content. There are no instructions. I don't even know what they mean by REGISTER and AUTHORIZE. Usually one talks about subscribing to a paid service. There is a price list in the Windows version, but I can't believe a simple viewer would be so expensive, content not included. For example, Zinio is free across platforms. Please tell the developer to explain what they need.


3 June 2017

Excellent service for reading full newspapers when you're traveling around the world.


24 May 2017

Make it work on Win 10 phone please!


21 May 2017

If you are an experienced user of PressReader and already know what it does, how the subscriptions work, and what is available, this app might work perfectly fine for you. If you are a new user, however, this app as well as the PressReader web site will unlikely enlighten you. In brief, the designers, familiar with PressReader, decided to not unravel the jargon, terms, and interface to provide a concise, cogent explanation for even what PressReader is--its scope, the options for pay or free use, or the numerous terms of jargon used throughout--"Hotspot" "Channels,"etc. Or, for example, where are your list of authorized devices? Where do I make my "profile" private instead of public? The "about" section is a perfect example: rather than a concise, cogent, comprehensible explanation of PressReader, you get a video and marketing fluff. All designed by people who have no regard for a new user. Further, the media selections, as far as I can tell--are scant and thin.


21 May 2017

PressReader is a very good news reading app for the desk top. It gives a very clear and perfect look similar to a hardcopy publications. The only downside is that I cannot download directly from the app but I have to do it from the website and then the publication is sent to devices for which I have registered in my account. Othewise it is a wonderful reader.


15 May 2017

I like everything except the fan noise of my computer when I move the newspaper. I hope this will be improved.


12 May 2017

It's great however it has a problem now and then so that's why I'm not giving a full 5 stars. 4.5 perhaps.


18 April 2017

I really like the way it works on my Surface Pro 4 and it is significantly better to use than the standard Press Reader

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